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How Can We Prepare Children for Future America?

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is….) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble,

Train up a child…

How Can We Prepare Children for Future America?

         Anyone who keeps up with the news is aware of the fact that our country is having a great many problems.  It is obvious that lifestyles will need to change in the future as our country faces debt at historical levels.  The figures do not lie.  There is no way that the debt can be paid off in the few years remaining until our children reach adulthood.  Wise parents will do all they can now to prepare their children to cope with what they will have to face when they become adults.

         What can parents do to prepare their children for the America of the future?  There are three things that children need to learn that will greatly help no matter what the future holds.  Children need to learn to distinguish necessities from things they only want and think would be nice to have.  They need to learn to be self-sufficient, and they need to learn to be thrifty.

         Ask almost any person to give up their cell phone and they will tell you, “Oh, no!  I have to have my cell phone!”  Actually, mankind has gone many centuries without a cell phone.  Although they are nice to have, they are not a necessity.  This is only one example of people not being able to distinguish needs from wants. This transfers to our children.  For years we have gone in debt as a country, and in our households, thinking things were necessary when they were not.  Romans 13:8 clearly says “Owe no man anything, but to love one another.”  We have winked at that scripture in order to satisfy our wants for self pleasure and convenience.  

         If we don’t have the money to buy something, we should do without it.  I can remember that my dad would not buy a new car until he could pay cash for it.  He would take a load of cattle to market and combine his earnings with savings in order to buy a new vehicle.  How times have changed!  Children want to borrow ahead on their allowance and often we give in.  Why?  We give in because we do the same thing when we buy things we cannot afford.  We have the mistaken idea that to let children have pleasure is to show love.  This is far from the truth.  Real love has to be tough in order to teach correctness of behavior.

         Go to almost any home in America, poverty level included, and you will see broken toys or toys that children seldom touch.  It is not uncommon to see toys left in the yard getting ruined. Undoubtedly, at one time, someone thought it was really necessary to get those toys for the children. Many toys break almost before a child has a chance to play with them.  Money should not be wasted in this way.  Also, money should not be wasted on junk food that does harm to children.  We have many, many people in our country who have diabetes.  Some soda  has at least 10 teaspoons of sugar in one serving.  The larger bottles have 2 ½ servings, meaning that approximately 25 teaspoons of sugar may be in a large bottle of soda.  We are ruining the health of ourselves and our children, as well as wasting our money, when we allow them to have too much soda.

         If we can teach our children the difference between wants and needs, to be thrifty, and to be self-sufficient, we will have gone a long way in preparing our children to live in future America.

Experience is the Best Teacher

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon; Barnes & Noble;

Train up a child…

Experience is the Best Teacher

       One of the best things that parents can do for their children is to give them a variety of experiences.  There are many benefits in doing so.  Giving a child experiences in various areas increases a child’s understanding of the world around him/her.  It also increases a child’s vocabulary resulting in greater comprehension in reading.  Of course, it is important to choose the right kind of experiences.  

         When my husband and I worked on the Navajo reservation, we had a little boy who had many social problems.  He could do practically nothing in school.  He was frightened and kept running away from the dormitory and school.  He was sent to Phoenix to see a psychiatrist.  The problem was that the boy had lived with his deaf grandmother most of his life and spent most of his time herding sheep.  He had no one to talk to and no experiences other than sheep-herding.  This is an extreme example of a child who needed experiences.  He was frightened because he knew nothing about other children or the world around him.  He was not retarded mentally.  He seemed to catch on quickly once we started working with him and allowing him to play with the toys we had purchased for the children.  

The more experiences a child has, the greater understanding the child obtains of the world. The child develops a greater understanding of the emotions of people and is better able to fit into society. S/he also observes job requirements of various jobs and will be more able to be self-supporting in adulthood.

         Every new experience introduces new vocabulary to a child.  We tend to block out the things we don’t understand and “latch on” to the things that are familiar to us.  Many times students in my GED classes will tell me, “I have never heard that word before!”  In actuality, it may be a word that is commonly used in conversations.  They had simply blocked it out because they didn’t understand it.  When a child has many experiences, the vocabulary obtained from those experiences becomes familiar and is no longer blocked out.  The child then not only has a better understanding of what is read, but also better understands conversations that are going on all the time.  

What kind of experiences can we give our children?  Visiting National Parks is perhaps one of the best.  Right now, Civil War reenactments are taking place at some parks. National Parks are set aside because of their benefits to us.  When our children were young, my husband had a habit of stopping at roadside historical monuments when we traveled.  At home, simple projects around the house add to a child’s knowledge.  When dad teaches a child to repair something, that child is learning the names of tools, etc.  Cooking and sewing are good experiences for children. Even refinishing furniture and cleaning are good for children. 

         Summer is the perfect time to give children good experiences that will increase their vocabulary and help them understand the world around them. It would be good to take advantage of this opportunity.

A Good Dad Teaches His Children

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is….) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and

Train up a child…

A Good Dad Teaches His Children

       The father is supposed to be the head of his household and able to control his children.  To father a child brings a large amount of responsibility, but that responsibility can be very pleasant if it becomes a way of life.  A dad who really cares for his children will try to teach them what they need to know to live a productive life.  What should a father teach?  When should a father teach?  How should a father teach?

         Dads need to teach children right from wrong.  They need to teach their children the fundamentals necessary to get along in life.  They need to teach the dangers and pitfalls.  They need to teach their children how to do basic things such as making repairs around the home, knowing how to care for a car, knowing how to take care of a yard.  There are basic things like reading, writing, and math that are not totally the responsibility of the school to teach.  Dad needs to make sure their children are able to cope with those things that will inevitably come their way. They need to teach children how to have compassion and do things to help others.  He needs to teach them to respect the parents, others, and self.

         One might say, “I’m too busy putting food on the table to take the time to teach my children.”  We usually find the time to do what we want to do.  If dads really want to teach their children, they will find a way.  When children are with their dads, dads need to be aware of opportunities to teach their children.  Love finds a way.  I can remember fondly when my dad would take me on his lap before I was old enough to start to school, take his railroad watch out of his bib overalls, and teach me to tell time.  This was after he had worked in the field all day when he would sit down for a few minutes before he would go milk our 20-25 cows.  He wanted his children to sit on his lap and “hug his neck”.  He would talk to us about any number of things at that time.  As we tagged along after him, helping with whatever we were able to do, he would explain what he was doing and why he was doing it.  He would pick a blade of grass and show it to us as he studied all the little lines and “hairs” on it, and then he would say, “Look at that!  That’s better artwork than any painting.  Only God can do that!”  Dads are constant teachers whether they are aware of it or not.  They are teachers all the time as long as they are in contact with their children.

         How do dads teach?  They mostly teach by example.  They also talk to their children about important things.  They demonstrate how things are to be done.  It is important that dads have a family time once each week to use Scripture and explain it to the children.  Dads teach thankfulness when they pray before eating at each meal.  Dads teach in every word they say, whether they are good words or bad.  When dads disrespect their wives, they are teaching their children not to respect their mother.  When dads are patient and loving, they are teaching their children to be the same way. When dads put up with things that they really don’t like, they are teaching their children to be longsuffering and kind to others.  When dads criticize other people, they are teaching their children to condemn others.

         Studies show that in spite of any training we may receive, we tend to raise our children as we were raised.  We need to do all we can to set a good example for our children so they will know how to raise their children.  Our country needs strong dads.  Our children need strong dads who will teach them truth.  God has commanded dads to be the spiritual leaders of their homes.  If the will is there, dads will teach their children what they need to know in ways they can understand all the time.

A Good Dad Protects His Family

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and

Train up a child…

A Good Dad Protects His Family

         One of the major roles assigned to fathers is family protection.  In days gone by, a dad would keep a gun by the door to protect his family against wild animals or anything that might be a harmful threat to his wife and children.  Although dads no longer need to protect their families from wild animals, there are many other threats to be dealt with.  In fact, it may have been easier to protect his family from the threats of yesteryear than the threats of today. Dads need to protect their families from physical, mental, social, and spiritual harm.  

         Today’s threats to physically harm a family come in the form of alcohol, drugs, poor health habits, or safety from storms.  Dads need to keep their eyes wide open for any evidence of threats in these areas.  When it comes to substance abuse, the best defense is to prevent the use of harmful items in the first place.  It is much more difficult once their use has started to change a child’s habits.  If a man’s home is his castle, then the man should make sure that his castle does not contain anything harmful to his family.  Social drinking in homes has led to much alcohol abuse.   Naturally, the children think that if dad and mom drink, it is alright for them to drink alcoholic beverages. In addition to protection from harmful drugs or alcohol, dads need to make sure that there is a tornado shelter or safe place to go in storms for his family.

         Mental protection of children involves making sure that children are developing the right attitude toward moral behavior.  It also involves making sure their children are getting a good education at school.  Dads need to be involved in school activities.  Some TV programs need to be restricted.  A child can’t fill his/her mind with garbage and have good thoughts.  Certain music should be prohibited as well as certain posters or art work in a child’s room.  Dads need to be aware of the child’s interests.  This may mean going into a child’s room and checking what is there.  Teens often hide behind the “privacy” right.  There should be some right to privacy but not if it involves wrongdoing by the child.  Suspicion of such requires investigation.  

         Dads need to know about their children’s friends.  It is best to help children make the right kind of friends rather than wait until the wrong kind is selected and try to remedy it.  Either way, children should be protected from the influence of friends who would lead them to do wrong.  Children should not be allowed to go places like some rock concerts and some movies. Dads need to teach children to show respect to all people, including their mother and teachers. Children need to learn good manners such as saying “excuse me”, “thank you”, “I’m sorry”, and “please”.  

         It is dad’s job to be the spiritual leader of the family.  He should make sure the family is in church every Sunday.  His job in the other four areas will be much easier if he fulfills this duty first.  Good friends can be found at church.  Church provides a safe place for making friends and learning proper behavior.  Ideally, every father should lead a family devotional time each week at home to reinforce the spiritual truths learned at church. As children learn the power of prayer, they find the greatest protection of all.  Dads would be wise to tap into this source of protection.

         Dads have a daunting task when it comes to protecting the family.  As Father’s Day approaches, let’s try to think of ways we can support the dads we know as they try to accomplish this task!

Who said that Parenting is Easy?

by Pat Lamb (Author of Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and

Train up a child…

Who said that Parenting is Easy?

         Someone recently told me that they had overheard some young girls say that they couldn’t wait until they were old enough to have a baby and drop out of school.  How little they know about what parenting involves! There are those who think that having a baby is like having a doll.  They don’t realize that the “live doll” will have many needs that must be fulfilled and that the “live doll” will not always be a pleasure.

        Being a parent takes physical, spiritual, social, and mental strength. From the time a baby is born until parents can no longer function, parents muster up the strength to help their children.

         A baby requires much physical energy from parents.  Who has not seen a mom or dad with circles under the eyes from being up at night with a child.  The hunger pangs of a baby do not know how to tell time.  As the baby cries, mom or dad may be waiting impatiently for a bottle to warm.  There are diapers to be changed, food to be prepared, laundry to be done, house to be cleaned, and other members of the family to be cared for. Parents may need to stand over a bed in the middle of the night where a fever-ridden child is lying and looking up to mommy or daddy to do something. I can remember sitting by our children during the night and rubbing legs as growing pains were occurring.  

         When a child starts to school, mom and dad are challenged to use social skills to help the child make the right friends. Parents must get along with other parents as well as the child’s teachers.  There is still a great deal of physical energy required, but at least mom and dad get to sleep through the nigh most of the time. Mental abilities are challenged as parents help children with homework that often involves new methods of doing things.

         As the child progresses into the tweens and teens, mom and dad discover that the sweet little baby that they thought would be perfect is not so perfect.  Now, as never before, parents must rely on their spiritual strength to work with the child.  Disappointments seem to come all too quickly as parents discover that the child does not think exactly as the parents do about certain things. “Who is this child?” they often wonder.  “Is this the same sweet baby we fed and diapered in the middle of the night?”

         When the child becomes an adult, parents are still parenting often from afar.  We can’t “boss” anymore.  We simply make suggestions for consideration.  Even though we have “been there and done that”, our adult children may need to discover the truth for themselves.

         Yes, parenting is not easy.  I think of the old pioneer parents who often buried several children at one time after the children had suffered with smallpox or another deadly disease. I’m sure that many must have wondered, “Is it worth it?” 

Parenting does, in spite of its many challenges, have many rewards.  As I watched our children step up and take responsibility at the death of our second son, I was comforted to see them in action.  I overheard our daughter say, “My two children are the best thing that ever happened to me!” It definitely is worth all the heartaches and effort involved when we see that our children have become responsible citizens who truly love their mom and dad, each other, and their families.

A Great Tool

by Pat Lamb

Author of: Let the Children Come;Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is… (Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble;

Train up a Child…

A Great Tool

We all like good tools that will help us get our tasks accomplished.  Some  of the latest and best tools to be invented, in my opinion, include the computer, cell phone, and the technology that comes with them.  However, just like any other tool, they must be used appropriately or they can cause harm.

I don’t think there are very many people who would give a toddler a hammer and let them use it any way wanted.  How about a chain saw, or even a weed trimmer or lawn mower?  Would we just hand them to children and walk away?  Yet, isn’t that what many are doing when they buy their children a cell phone?  As with any tool, children need to be trained to use technology properly.

Just as there are certain things a hammer is to be used for, the same applies to a cell phone or computer.  Just as a child should not be allowed to go around beating on good furniture with a hammer, neither should a child be allowed to do everything desired with technology.  Definite rules need to be used with children and technology. 

“But you can’t watch a child every minute!” many would say.  Well, if rules are laid down and the child cannot be trusted to follow those rules, there is an easy solution.  Simply take the cell phone away or disconnect the computer until the child can be trusted and DON’T GIVE IN!  

It is helpful to sit down with children and go over rules as soon as the computer or phone is received.  The rules should be written down and placed on the refrigerator or other easily observed place.  It would be even more helpful for the child to sign a written paper swearing to obey those rules before the phone is purchased.  

Just as with any tool, proper usage is necessary.  Personally, I am very happy to have the technology.  It can make life much easier if properly used.  I’m afraid too many parents are guilty of waiting until a child does something wrong and then saying, “You shouldn’t have done that!”  Every child is inquisitive and will want to examine possibilities.  It isn’t fair to expect a child to automatically know what should or should not be done without being taught.

Let’s teach our children to use this wonderful tool the proper way!

What Can We Reasonably Expect from Children?

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and

Train up a child…

What Can We Reasonably Expect from Children?

         It seems that there is a certain belief permeating society that we should not do anything to children to make them feel badly.  Many have come to believe that so simple a thing as making a child sit still is not good for the child. Has anyone ever really known of a child being hurt in any way by sitting still?  Perhaps all of this fear of harming a child came about when so-called “experts” told us we were not to spank children. No matter where it began, it seems to have caused us to raise a generation or two of children who are generally undisciplined and not really happy.  

         There are certain basic things we can and should expect of children.  If we all could agree on these things, there would be more consistency in how those many adults touching a child’s life would deal with children.

         I believe that basic expectations as relating to a child’s behavior are as follows:

  • Children should act in no way that would affect others around them negatively. An individual’s freedom ends when it begins to take away the freedom of another.
  • Children should be quiet when someone else is speaking and wait until that person is finished before talking.
  • Children should listen to adults and not interrupt when they are talking.
  • Children should learn that certain places are alright for running and certain places are not appropriate for running.
  • Children should learn to speak softly and not yell at others unless they are playing outside games or if it is appropriate in a certain situation.
  • Children should not touch the belongings of others unless invited to do so.
  • Children should not ask for things that others have.  They need to learn to wait to be invited to have something.
  • Children should always knock before entering another person’s house or room.
  • Children should never open a refrigerator, drawers, or doors to rooms in another person’s home.
  • Children should remember to say “excuse me”. “I’m sorry”, “thank you”, and “please” at appropriate times.
  • Children should not touch things in stores when shopping without first checking with parents.
  • Children should learn to let others go first.  
  • Children should stand and let elderly people have their seats when there are no other seats available.  
  • Children should never talk back in a negative way to adults.  It is alright for them to disagree in a nice way, however.

These are a few things that we should expect children to do. Space does not permit listing everything. This is a good start. If we follow these suggestions, the boys and girls will not get out of hand. We need to get over the idea that children today are different.  Children are basically the same as they always were.  It is the parents and teachers who are different in their expectations and teaching of the children.  Children who “know the rules” and obey them are more secure and happier children than those who go untaught and undisciplined. Needless to say, adults are happier as well.  It is much more pleasant to be around children who can act nicely.

When Does Mom Stop Being Mom?

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble,

Train up a child…

When Does Mom Stop Being Mom?

       From the time a child is born, mom is the one always there to feed, clothe, snuggle, and protect the little baby.  Dad is there also, but it is mom who is the closest at the early stage of life in a child.  When the child cries, mom can usually even tell what kind of cry it is.  Is it a hungry cry, a hurt cry, or an angry cry?  Mom knows.  The baby understands that mom is the one who will provide the basic needs.  The baby’s world revolves around its mom and the baby thinks mom is the greatest thing in the world.

         When the child starts to kindergarten, that child begins to discover that there are other people in the world who can make it happy.  Many children have a special bond with their kindergarten teacher.  At this point in life, mom begins to take back seat.  Mom has to stand back a little as the child begins to discover the world.  What mom hasn’t shed a tear or two as the child heads out the door for its first day of school?

         As the child begins to approach puberty, mom suddenly becomes perhaps the dumbest person in the world.  It is almost impossible to do anything right that pleases the son or daughter.  This is a time when many moms suffer a great deal of pain as their child begins to reject them.  Mom knows, however, that the child is “sprouting its own wings” and she patiently waits and watches, interjecting guidance wherever possible to help that child she still loves dearly, in spite of the fact that at times it seems that the child has no love for her.

         When the young adult goes to college, that son or daughter begins to sense the meaning of homesickness.  A reevaluation of mom and dad takes place and by the time the child is out of college, several hundred dollars later, the young adult is surprised at how much mom has learned in those four years!  The young adult still feels, however, that mom is behind the times and is not fully able to understand current situations.

         Through the adult years, the son or daughter gradually begins to understand that maybe mom wasn’t so far off base after all.  Little by little, the adult starts seeking advice from the person once thought to be ignorant of all modern behavior. “I wonder what mom would do?” the adult thinks in tough situations. “I’ll talk it over with her.”

         Finally, the time comes for mom’s life on this earth to end.  Mom is no longer there to go to for advice.  The son or daughter is now completely on its own unless dad is still around.  When tough situations come along, the individual thinks, “I wonder what mom would have done.  What would mom tell me to do?  I wish I could talk it over with her.”

         And in the coming years, the memory of mom’s words and actions still exist to help guide the child in decision-making.

         When does mom stop being a mom?  Never! The effects of her mothering are exhibited in grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Her teachings are felt in generations to come.  Mothering is a wonderful opportunity that knows no end.

Children Need to Respect Mom

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Chlldren, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and

Train up a child…

Children Need to Respect Mom

         For many mothers, Mother’s Day is the favorite holiday of the year.  It is so nice to be honored and hear the expressions of love and appreciation.  However, in many cases, mothers are not given the respect or honor they should receive not only on Mother’s Day but also during the remainder of the year.  

         In order for a mother to be respected, she must do some things to earn that respect, dad needs to encourage the children to respect their mother, and a family needs to attend a church where children are taught the importance of the family and the command to honor parents.

         Although we should each respect our mother whether the respect is earned or not, it is so much easier when the mother does and does not do certain things.  Mothers should have the well-being of the family in her mind and heart first after love for God.  A Godly woman is a woman who is filled with love as described in the 13th chapter of I Corinthians in the Bible.  She is patient with her children and understands each child is unique.  She needs to do her best to see that the children are getting proper food and have a clean, orderly house to live in.  She needs to be an encourager.  Her speech should be gentle.  Mothers who use profanity and “street talk” have a hard time getting real respect from children.  

         Dad plays a big role in teaching children proper respect. He needs to set a good example for the children by showing respect to their mother.  In addition to setting the example, he needs to require the children to always speak respectfully and to listen to the mother.  Under no circumstances should he override the mother’s decision in the presence of the children.  To do so indicates that he does not believe that she is capable of making right decisions for them. Children quickly pick up on this attitude and they, too, decide that she is not capable of giving them advice.  If dad disagrees with mom, the issue should be settled between the two of them out of the presence of the children.  When men talk down to their wives in front of the children, the children get the impression that their mother is inferior.  Mother’s Day presents an opportunity for dad to work with the children to remind them to do something to show their appreciation and love for their mother.  

         Families who do not attend church are robbing themselves of a great deal of help.  In church, the children are taught the Ten Commandments.  They usually are required to memorize them.  One of the commandments tells us to honor our fathers and mothers.  This is not an option.  God holds us responsible to obey this commandment as well as the others.  It really helps to have someone outside the family teaching the children to act properly and to respect their parents.  As I watch children in church recite Scripture, sing songs, and learn how to behave properly, I often feel sad to think how many children are missing out on these activities.  These activities, along with camp opportunities, enhance the learning they get at school and home. They get practice in memorizing and they learn Scripture verses about acting correctly which better prepares them for life.

         Although Mother’s Day comes only one time each year, we should teach children to love and respect their mothers at all times.  This positive behavior should become a pattern of behavior to last a lifetime.  

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Gains

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble;

Train up a child…

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Gains

         “The longest journey starts with the first step”.  How true.  This philosophy can be applied to helping children set goals.  It is important to set short-term goals as a beginning to the achievement of long-term goals.  Parents often have the tendency to set ultimatums that overwhelm children; then, children tend to give up before they get started feeling that the task is impossible to achieve.

         Nothing succeeds like success.  Success breeds success; failure breeds failure.  When a child feels successful, that child will want to continue actions that achieved that success.  When a child experiences failure, that child will not want to continue.  If we help a child set goals that are easily achievable, the child will want to set another achievable goal.  

         How does this work in real life?  Suppose you want a small child to clean his/her bedroom. Instead of telling the child to clean the room, break the chore down in steps.  Perhaps start with telling the child to make the bed.  After that is accomplished, tell the child to pick up the things on the floor.  Next, the child could do the dusting of one piece of furniture at a time. Finally, the floor needs to be vacuumed or swept. Add other tasks as needed until the room is nice and clean. When the child then receives praise for a clean room, he/she feels a sense of pride and accomplishment and will be more apt to do it next time.  In addition, the child has been taught what is involved in cleaning a room.  

         Another example might involve a child learning the multiplication tables.  Instead of simply telling the child to learn the tables, help the child set a goal of learning the 8’s by a certain time.  Next, the child might learn the 9’s, etc.  This continues until all the tables are learned.

         If a child is struggling with homework, instead of simply telling the child to do the homework, a parent might say, “After this page is done, take a little break and get a glass of water or cookie.” Plan with the child by looking at how much is left to be done and dividing it up so that the child feels accomplishment along the way.  After each part is done, the child might be allowed to do something to have a little break.

         Still another example might be used in saving money.  Discuss with the child how much money can be saved by a certain time.  Make sure a special container is available for the money even if it is simply a clean jelly jar.  After the first goal has been reached, reset the goal for a certain date to have saved a greater amount.  It is helpful if a child has an object in mind to purchase or another plan for the money.  That would be the long-range goal.  The short-range goals along the way are very helpful in motivating the child to continue saving.

         Almost any task can be broken down in parts to encourage and motivate children.  It is good to have long-range goals as well, but the short- range goals are the stepping stones along the way.