Monthly Archives: December 2018

It’s Not Just Child’s Play

Train up a child…

It’s Not Just Child’s Play!

         It is a wonderful thing when parents will play with their children.  There is great value in time spent simply having fun with them.  This time is an opportunity for bonding, teaching, and creating memories.

Right after Christmas there is an opportunity to explore the new toys and games together.  When dad or mom get on the level of the child and explore the new possibilities of enjoyment, the child learns to appreciate the fact that the parent has interest in his/her world.  A special relationship between the child and parent is created.  This new relationship results in a better understanding of each another. 

In the event that a toy breaks, as many are apt to do, as the parent helps repair that toy, the child learns about how things work. Parents have an opportunity to teach new words and understandings to the child.

Even if there are no new games or toys, parents and children can create their own games. Our grown children still laugh about playing “sandwich” or “slobber ear” with their dad, and I laugh when I see them play the same games with their children.  These are rough and tumble games on the floor (or grass in the summer) where all involved laugh and giggle as they try to get away from each other to avoid having an ear chewed or to become the bottom bread of a sandwich.  They laugh as “the meat” wriggles out to try to become the top bread and the bottom bread tries even harder to escape being the bottom bread. It is important, however, for the parent to know when enough is enough in these games.  It is cruel to tickle children too much.  Also, weight of individuals needs to be considered so no person is hurt.

Many board games offer opportunities for learning as well as having fun.  Long winter evenings are well spent in playing games such as Monopoly, Balderdash, Sequence, or others with older children. In Monopoly, children learn much about money. They learn to count the money as well as a great deal about how business works.  Balderdash is a great game for teaching writing, persuasion, and vocabulary. Our family has laughed until we cried at some of the silly definitions written for some of the words in Balderdash. Board games designed for younger children teach a child to take turns and that they cannot always win.  They can learn to lose graciously.

Laughter is a good medicine. King Solomon tells us in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine”.  Playing and laughing with our children relieves our stress as well as theirs.  We sometimes forget that children, too, have stress as they seek to please their parents and teachers.  

Time spent playing with children is a wonderful investment that yields dividends for eternity.  Children grow up so fast!  Let’s take advantage of the opportunities we have to spend time with them while we can. 

Avoiding the Christmas “Letdown”

Train up a child…

Avoiding the Christmas “Letdown”

       Many people seem to experience a letdown feeling after gifts are opened at Christmas.  This is a natural feeling when one has built up in the mind for several weeks a vision of how wonderful Christmas will be.  Then when the gifts are all opened, it seems to be over.  Not only that, but if someone didn’t appear to like the gift we gave, or if we, ourselves, were disappointed with what we got, there is an added negative emotion.  We may even feel guilt for not doing as much as we thought we should or because we don’t appreciate our gifts as much as we think we should.

         There are things we can do ahead of time to prevent these unpleasant feelings.  Disappointment is in proportion to expectations.  Before Christmas, we need to control our expectations.  We need to be realistic and realize that seldom is there a picture-perfect Christmas.  If our family Christmas does not turn our just as we envisioned, the truth is that probably very few others did either.  It is nice to pretend that it was perfect…especially for the sake of not offending or disappointing someone else.  Nevertheless, let’s admit that there are not many perfect Christmases. People are people.  People are not perfect.  

         We have all seen or heard of jokes about the “off-the-wall” gifts that husbands sometimes buy wives. Why do the wives get so upset?  It usually is not about the gift as much as it is about the lack of understanding.  The wife is disappointed because she feels that her husband did not care enough about her to try to understand what she really wanted.  It may be possible that she feels that household items are for everyone, including him, not just her.  When a husband gives household items, it is like saying, “You are the housekeeper and you should be happy with this tool to make your work easier.” The wife feels that she should be more than a housekeeper to her husband, and he should feel that way, too.  

         The spirit of love that is felt at Christmas can be carried over throughout the year.  It does not need to end when the gifts are opened. There are many wonderful people who know how to carry this feeling on and on.  Some retired folks, especially, seem to understand that the new purpose in their lives is to serve others.  They no longer have to work to support a family and now have the time to be of assistance to others.  These people feel less of a letdown after Christmas because they have a purpose that is never ending.

         Having an immediate new family project in mind helps to keep the children focused on the future.  The truth is that playing with toys and using the gifts often is not as much fun as the anticipation of doing so.  To introduce a new project provides the anticipation now missing.  A discussion with the children about how to carry on the spirit of Christmas can be a valuable tool in ridding them of a letdown feeling.

         The best remedy for most ills is to keep busy doing activities that have a positive result. December 26 does not mean that we have to stop enjoying the wonderful feeling of making others happy.    

Christmas Memories

Train up a child…

Christmas Memories   

         Memories of childhood greatly influence decisions of adults.  That is why it is so important for parents and grandparents to make every effort to ensure good experiences for children that will create a good foundation for adulthood.  Christmas is a perfect time for doing so.

         Memories don’t necessarily have to be fun memories. How a family works together in tough times is a memory that provides direction for a person in adulthood when that person faces difficult times.  Valuable memories do not necessarily require money.  How gifts are given from the heart at Christmas teaches a child that gifts should be given in love and do not necessarily need to be expensive.

         Those of us who lived during the years of the Great Depression are not as alarmed about the state of the nation’s economy because our memories teach us that we can survive well without many of the things we have come to enjoy.  I’m sure that many others remember, as I do, having a cedar tree cut from the woods for a Christmas tree.  Our tree was often decorated with red and green construction paper chains made in school by cutting strips and pasting the ends together in circles.  We would interlock the red in green, then the green in red, etc.  We made snowflakes by folding white paper and cutting it in various designs.  We would hang the snowflakes on the branches of the tree.  Sometimes, we would make strands of cranberries to drape around the tree.  We always felt important for contributing to the decorations.  

         A few years ago, our youngest son and his wife moved from Kentucky to Arkansas just before Christmas.  We spent Christmas with them sitting among unpacked boxes.  All Christmas decorations were packed away.  On Christmas Eve, we looked at each other and I could tell that our son was feeling a little apologetic for the situation.  I thought hard about what could be done.  I found a pen, reached in a box, pulled out some packing paper, and said, “We each have to make our own stocking.”  We found some scissors, designed our stockings, and laid them on the hearth of the fireplace.  I felt good when I heard our son chuckle.  A memory had been created.

         When my husband and I were working on the Navajo Reservation at Lukachukai, AZ, we had a big snow storm one Christmas.  The mail came only three times a week and during the storm, it could not get through at all. No gifts from our homes came in time for Christmas. We had already given each other our gifts thinking there would be more from our homes in MO and NE to open at Christmas.  On Christmas morning, we sat looking at each other and a bare tree.  That is a memory we will never forget, but it made us appreciate each other more.

         We can be very creative in making memories for children.  Sometimes it is a good thing to be short of money.  It causes us to be more resourceful.  We spoil our own Christmas when we place too much emphasis on “things”. We should never forget that people are more important than things.  The real basis of the Christmas season is love.  When couples argue over how much money to spend, unpleasant memories are created for their children.  We should not be stingy, but we should never buy beyond our means.  We need to learn to make good use of what we have.  By doing so, we create good memories for children and set a good example for them.

How to Explain Christmas to Children (

Train up a child…


How to Explain Christmas to Children


It is easy to get so caught up in the “busyness” of Christmas and forget to take the time to sit down with children and explain why we have the observance.  In addition, some adults feel incapable of coming up with the right words and explaining its meaning so children will understand. Here is a suggested way to tell children the basics of what all should know about Christmas.  It may be told in one’s own words or simply read to children.


When the world was created, Jesus was with God.  Jesus is God’s son.  God made Adam and Eve and they began to have children.  Soon there were many people on earth and God told the people what he wanted them to do to worship him.  He gave the Ten Commandments.  He also required them to sacrifice animals to him.

The people sinned a lot. They did not follow the instructions God had given them.  God decided to send his only son, Jesus, to earth to live with people and teach them the right way to live.  John 3:16 in the Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Jesus came as a little baby. He was born in a stable because there was no room for Mary, his mother, and Joseph, His earthly father, anyplace else. Christmas is for celebrating the birthday of Jesus.

God sent angels to shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus.  When Jesus was about two years old, some wise men saw a strange star and followed it to Jesus.  They took gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts to him.  On the way, they stopped to see King Herod who was jealous of Jesus because he had heard that Jesus was going to be a king.  He wanted to kill Jesus, so he asked the wise men to come back and tell him where Jesus was.  They didn’t do it.  Herod ordered all little boys under the age of two killed.  Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Egypt to protect him.

When the danger was over, Joseph and Mary went home.  Jesus grew up helping Joseph in Joseph’s carpenter’s shop.  When He was about twelve years old, he was teaching in the temple.  When he was about 30 years old, he began his ministry.  He told many stories to teach us the right way to live, and he healed many people.  When he was about 33 years old, some people got angry with him and decided to try to do away with him.  He was crucified on a cross.  After three days, he came back alive.  We celebrate Easter to remember his crucifixion and his coming back to life. Jesus was the last sacrifice and people didn’t have to sacrifice animals any more.

Jesus stayed on earth for a while; then, he went up to heaven.  He is still alive and wants us all to believe in him and be saved.  If we truly believe in him, are really sorry for our sins, and ask him to save us, he will send the Holy Spirit into our hearts, and when we die, we can live with him forever in heaven.