Tag Archives: teaching children

Choosing Gifts for Children

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble; www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child

Choosing Gifts for Children

            When our children were young, there were some Christmas days that my husband and I would look at each other in bewilderment as we watched our children open their presents, set them aside, and start playing with the cardboard boxes they came in! We had put much time and effort into selecting what we thought was just the right gift, yet they enjoyed the boxes more than what they had contained. It is easy to spend a good deal of money and time and still not come up with the right gift. 

         We all like to see children have fun and be happy on Christmas morning.  It is a temptation to overspend to make sure that the children will not be disappointed.  Sometimes we buy a gift, and then not feeling sure we chose the right gift, we go and buy another gift.  Where does it stop?

         It is great to give a gift that the kids really like and have fun with.  It is even greater if they can have fun and learn something valuable at the same time.

         Money spent on educational toys is money well invested.  It is unfortunate that there are also toys on the market that have little or no learning value and break easily.  Those toys are a waste of money.  Some last only a few minutes.  We, as parents and grandparents, need to use wisdom in deciding whether the toy asked for by a child is really the best purchase.  I have never been excited over Disney creations.  They may be alright but what do they really teach?  I see very little, if any, learning value in them.  Barbie dolls may actually have a negative effect on children.  After all, what kind of goals do we want our children to have?  I was glad when our daughter decided that she did not want to encourage our granddaughter to get excited about Barbie dolls.  Someone gave our granddaughter a Barbie book when she was small.  I was astonished when I read it to her and found what the book was about. Barbie was sad because she wasn’t going to get to model in a show until another model broke her leg, and she got the job after all.  Are we teaching our children to profit by the misfortune of others?

         We need to consider, also, that many toys are made overseas.  We may want to wash or sterilize some before the children play with them.  They may be made in factories that are not sanitary and come on ships a long way.  Someone told me that they worked one Christmas season unpacking toys that came from overseas and a big blue bug flew out of a box.  Everyone was sent out of the room while it was fumigated.  The children who got those toys not only got toys that had had bugs on them, but had also been sprayed with insect killer.  

         Let us keep our emotions under control and carefully think through the selection of gifts for our children.  

Which is Best? Giving or Receiving?

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child…

 Giving or Receiving? Which is Best?

In today’s world, it seems that most of the focus on raising children centers around what we can do for them.  The truth is, children learn much more by what they do for others and participating in events rather than simply being onlookers.

As Christmas approaches, let us incorporate children in as many activities as possible.  There is actually more self satisfaction in giving an appropriate gift than in getting a gift that children think they “just have to have”!  How often have we seen children receive a gift just to have it set aside after a few days?  On the other hand, when they give an appropriate gift, they have a sense of self-satisfaction that cannot be matched.

When our youngest son was in the upper elementary grades, he took a shop class.  His teacher wisely had the students make a gift for their parents.  I remember how he had this unusually happy look on his face as he tried in many ways to get me to encourage him to tell me what he had for me for Christmas!  I was tempted to give in, but I didn’t.  He went for days with a beaming face.  He was feeling a real sense of satisfaction!

Finally Christmas morning came.  He kept watching me to see when I was going to open his gift to me.  Finally the gift was handed to me and I opened it.  It was a gumball dispenser made with two slabs of wood and a pint jar filled with gumballs on top.  There was a third piece of wood that slid in and out with two holes drilled in it.  When it was pulled out, two gumballs filled the holes and a nail was there to pry them out!  What a nice gift!  

Last Christmas when our son’s family came to visit, I put out the gum ball dispenser for his two sons to enjoy.  They certainly did enjoy it!

The experience that our son had of making the gift for me far outweighs the pleasure he got by his gifts.  I doubt if he can remember any gifts he got that Christmas, but I’m sure he remembers making and giving the gift to me!

Experience is the Best Teacher

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is… )

Books are available on Amazon; Barnes & Noble, or www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child…

Experience is the Best Teacher

Have you noticed that many times our children don’t seem to know how to do some of the simplest things?  Also, how many times have you heard that “kids are so ungrateful” for what they have?  Could it be that the reason for both of these concerns is that children don’t realize what goes into the act of providing and caring for them?

Many times I have heard grandparents say, “I just can’t resist giving things to my grandchildren when they ask”.  My thought is that they shouldn’t be asking in the first place.  We need to teach children to provide for self as much as possible   In doing so, they learn about the effort that goes into obtaining the wanted item or items.  They learn how to do chores, save money, and most of all they will have a greater appreciation of what they receive.

There are many things that children can do to help out.  Even very small children can do simple chores.  Older children learn much from tasks given them.  When a child asks for money, (which they actually shouldn’t be doing unless it is a necessity for school, etc.) there are certainly many things they can do to help around the home. What are some of those things???

Children can sweep or vacuum.  They can wash windows.  They can wash dishes, sweep the garage, pick up things, help repair broken things, organize their play area or room, have a yard sale in a safe community, pull weeds, rake leaves, sweep sidewalks, clean refrigerator, mow the lawn, etc.   The list goes on and on.  Not only do they learn the value of work, but they will appreciate what they get much more than if the money is just handed to them.  They learn that “money doesn’t grow on trees” as my folks used to tell me.  

It isn’t surprising that many times the children will take better care of what they have earned.  Sometimes they even change their minds and decide that thing they wanted isn’t that important after all!  We do our children a great disservice when we just give them things when they have no effort involved!

How to Raise Thankful Kids

by Pat Lamb

Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is… (Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and www.patlambchristianauthor.com)

Train up a child..

How to Raise Thankful Children

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 118:29 NKJV

We’ve probably all heard comments about the “ungrateful” children of today.  It’s too bad that the children get so much blame for being ungrateful when it is mostly the fault of those who are raising them!  Here are some ideas of how to raise “grateful” children:

1) Don’t praise children too much.  Praise should be for specific things.  When a child is constantly told how special s/he is, they begin to believe it.  They feel no need to try to improve.  After all, they have been told they are wonderful the way they are.  

2) Children should not be given too much.  Yes, they should be given birthday and Christmas presents, but when they earn what they get, they appreciate it more.  They develop a feeling of appreciation for what it takes to obtain what they have, and they are more selective about what they want.  Many children are capable of doing yard sales in a safe community, working to earn money by doing chores, checking sales slips for errors, etc.  “Necessity is the mother of inventions!”  We don’t give children enough credit for what they can do.

3) Teach children how to work.  They can do chores for neighbors and  fix things around the house.  They can go to work with parents to see what the parents have to do to earn money to support them.

4) Teach them to improvise.  When they don’t have exactly what they want, many times what they have can be used to accomplish the activity.

5) Insist that they write thank you notes or tell a giver “thank you” for what they receive..

6) Help them plant and care for what they planted to raise vegetables.  Many things can be raised in pots on the patio or deck.  Children learn about what it takes to provide their food.

7) Take children to visit a food plant to see people working to provide the food that goes on the shelves at the grocery store.

These are a few simple things that can be done to help children appreciate what they have.  When they sit down to eat and say “thank you” to God, they can really mean it! 

How to Raise Ungrateful Children

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is….) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child….

How to Raise Ungrateful Children

How many times have we heard adults complain about children not appreciating what they have?  I’ve heard it over and over.  When those remarks are made, they are often made suggesting that it is all the fault of the children that they don’t appreciate what they have.  With Thanksgiving approaching, perhaps we should think a little deeper on this subject.  Perhaps it is not the fault of the children, but rather how the children are being raised.  Following are some things that I believe contribute to children not being as thankful as they should be:

1)  Parents and others always praising their children.  No one is perfect all the time.  When children hear over and over how wonderful they are, what motivation is there to improve?  

2)  Giving awards that are not earned.  Earning awards develops appreciation for the effort that is put forth.  They mean much more to children if earned than if they are not earned.  Children can often sense that they did not deserve what they got.  

3) Giving children too much.  When things are earned, they mean much more to a person.  Working for something gives it more value.

4)  Intervening to keep children from suffering the consequences of their decisions. It is hard to watch children suffer the consequences of their decisions, but that is the way they learn.  When someone always comes to the rescue, children grow up expecting that and are not as careful as they should be about the choices they make.

5)  Lowering standards of behavior.  “Oh, that’s alright.  I know you meant well!”  I’ve heard this said many times when the action was definitely not alright.  Children need to face the consequences of their choices.  One person shared with me that when their children did wrong, she required them to write a paper telling why that particular thing was wrong.  That’s an excellent idea!

6)  Social promotion.  When children are promoted from grade to grade without having met the requirements of that grade, they grow up thinking that life is that way.  As adults, they come to believe that they should get a paycheck whether they do their work or not.  Having taught GED classes, I can attest to the fact that it is cruel to promote a child when they haven’t achieved what they should have.  They just get in deeper and deeper and are unable to cope.  Those who think they are doing the child a favor are truly wrong. The child often comes to think they are dumb and inferior to others.  

There are other examples of how we are teaching our children, perhaps unknowingly, that they should get things whether they are earned or not.

As Thanksgiving is arriving, let us rethink some of the things we are doing with our children.

Words that Could Change the World

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is….) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child…

Words that Could Change the World

There are times when it seems that our present society has lost all sense of good manners!  There was a time when people seemed to care if they acted appropriately.  We were taught to say, “Thank you”, “I’m sorry”, “please” and “excuse me”!

What changed?  How often do we now hear those words?  I dare say not nearly as often as we should.  Perhaps our children would learn to say them more if we, the adults they pattern after, would say them more often.

It seems that often our children have come to expect being pampered and given things for free.  They don’t seem to understand that no one is obligated to pamper them.  As parents and grandparents, we need to teach them to appreciate what they are given.  One way to do that is to require them to say “thank you” or to write thank you notes to the giver.  

It is sad to watch some children bump into adults and just keep going without a mere expression of “excuse me” or “I’m sorry”.  Many times I have watched children line up for treats and just grab them and start eating without so much as “please” or “thank you”.

Whose fault is it that we have college level young people who feel that someone else should pay their loans?  Why is it that so many times we cannot get good service when we are placing orders or trying to get our necessary business done?  I dare say that it is because parents, teachers, and others are not requiring our children to have good manners.  Just saying the words requires children to think about the fact that someone other than self has been involved in their welfare.  That is a step in the right direction to improving our world!

Children and Halloween

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is…) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child

Children and Halloween

“…The Lord does not look at the things people look at.  People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”.  I Samuel 16:17 (NIV)

Halloween presents a dilemma for Christian parents.  Do they really want their children celebrating a holiday that was begun by people who were not worshiping our Lord?  Not only that, the history of Halloween has many undesirable things associated with it.  Yet, is it fair to a child to restrict them from enjoying what seems so harmless when it is the talk of the time, and all their friends seem to be having such a good time?  How can we sort this out?

The history of Halloween can be easily found on the Internet.  Admittedly, it is not what we, as Christians, want to encourage with our children.  It is a good idea to look up this history and go over it with children so they understand how Halloween started.  Although there are some places where Halloween may be celebrated in similar ways to the original Halloween, for the most part, the holiday has essentially become a day of fun with no association with the original intent.  Most children, I dare say, have no idea about the original meaning of Halloween.

What, then, are we to do with children on Halloween?  Many churches have alternative Halloween celebrations that serve to not only provide an acceptable way for children to enjoy the event, but provide opportunity to make contact with the unchurched.  In addition, personally, I always encouraged my children to select costumes that were not scary nor would they promote the original beliefs of the holiday.  There are many fun costumes.  Some of the best are those that children make themselves.  Halloween provides an opportunity for children to be creative.  

The holiday provides a wonderful opportunity for parents to let children know that we serve a loving God of whom we don’t have to constantly fear. He knows who we are and everything we do.  If we give our heart and life to God, He will take care of us. We need to emphasize that no matter what we look like on the outside, God cares most about what we really are on the inside.  

There are actually some good learnings that can come from dressing up as someone else.  It helps children learn to “put themselves in someone’s shoes” and helps them to learn to understand others.  Also, creativity is enhanced as the children work on costumes.  They can learn to say “thank you” when they receive candy or other things. (It is a good idea for parents to go with the children when they “trick or treat”.  There are many dangers now of which we need to be aware. Candy should be checked before it is eaten.) Parents need to talk to children about good manners.

Whatever parents decide about Halloween, children need to learn that God is a loving God and looks at our heart, and He is more concerned about the heart than the appearance.

Parents’ Good Intentions are not Enough

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is….) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child…

Parents’ Good Intentions are not Enough

       It is wonderful when parents can truly enjoy their children and want to make them happy.  It presents a challenge, however, to make children happy and at the same time prepare them for their future.  It seems that the idea has permeated our society that we all should be happy and having fun all the time, and that the only good parent is the parent who entertains children and protects them from hardships.  

         Just as a “hot-house” tomato has a difficult time adjusting to the challenges in nature when it is set out in a garden, so do children who have been sheltered from all rules and hardships have a difficult time adjusting to the real world.  Adults who work with children need to discover a balance between letting children be children and at the same time preparing them for a time when they are unprotected by adults.  Children must have guidelines and rules to live by and be required to abide by those rules for their own good.  They must be allowed to experience the consequences of the choices they make.  With a few exceptions such as birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, etc. they must earn what they receive. 

         Children who have no guidelines are always insecure and uncertain as to what behavior is acceptable and what punishment they may receive for their behavior.  They are at loose ends with the world and often express their frustration by exhibiting unacceptable behavior.  By contrast, children who have rules and are required to abide by them, have a certainty in their minds that they are doing the right thing.  The stress of making decisions without necessary information is removed, and they are happier children.  Many well-intentioned parents think that letting their children do what they want to do is helping them.  Not true.  Children are not equipped to make many decisions by themselves and often make the wrong decisions and get in trouble for doing so.  It is much better to make sure they know what is right and wrong before they make the wrong decisions.  Important, also, is reinforcement of correct behavior.  When a child is told, “You did the right thing”, the child feels a real sense of relief and is inclined to repeat that behavior.

         It is hard for any parent or teacher to watch a child go through something unpleasant.  However, when we jump in and rescue the child from the consequences of his/her behavior, we become enablers.  When we enable a child to do wrong and get by with it, that child grows up thinking that whatever he/she desires is acceptable, and someone will bail him/her out of trouble.  It is through the natural punishment of consequences that children learn many lessons that we may never be able to teach in another way.

         When children are continually rewarded for doing what is normally required, they grow up thinking that they don’t have to act in acceptable ways unless rewarded for doing so.  A teacher friend of mine often said, “Virtue is its own reward”.  There are some things that we are supposed to do whether there is a reward or not.  One school in IL, where our daughter taught, rewarded children for doing their homework by taking them to McDonalds on Fridays.  This, in my opinion, is not a good way to use rewards.  Homework is something that children should do without getting a material reward. One NEA magazine had an article some time back about paying children to go to school.  Is it any wonder that we are living in an entitlement generation when this kind of thinking abounds?

         Ideally, parents should decide in their own minds how they want their children to “turn out” as to character traits and keep this goal in mind in everyday contact with their children.  We can’t just let our children always be happy-go-lucky without responsibilities and rules and expect them to someday display responsibilities without material rewards.

Children Build on Successes

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is….) Books are available on Amazon; Barnes & Noble; www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child…

Children Build on Successes

         What parent or teacher does not want to teach in such a way as to produce the optimum learning in a child?  Through the ages, much research and experimentation have been done to determine how a child learns best.  All of this, along with plain common sense, tells us that children learn best when they build on little successes.

         Keeping this fact in mind, we need to ask ourselves the following questions: “How does a child define success?”  “How can a teacher or parent make sure that a child succeeds as that child determines success?

         Children most often define success according to the amount of praise received for a task accomplished.  If the child receives a little praise, the child feels that s/he has done alright.  If a child receives a great deal of praise, that child feels especially good about what has been accomplished and feels success.  Immediately, the child wants to repeat the action to receive more praise.  Success gives a child hope and confidence in ability to achieve.  The child will automatically select activities similar to those for which praise was received.  Conversely, a child will avoid activities where success was not experienced. This demonstrates the need for praising children rather than scolding them. However, the praise should never be false praise!  When a child receives false praise, s/he feels like they are doing great and are not motivated to improve.   

Praise needs to be focused on the achievement rather than the child.  Too much praise for the child leads to a child having a feeling of superiority.  We don’t want children growing up feeling they are better than others.  However, we do want them to have confidence in their ability to do a good job.

         It is important that tasks be delegated commensurate with a child’s ability to succeed.  If tasks are too difficult, the child cannot experience satisfaction. There is a value in “instant success”.  When we introduce something new, it would be well to take a small portion that is easy to learn and start with that.  When the child succeeds in one little thing, s/he is encouraged to tackle more.  The child has instantly felt success and is eager to experience more success.

         “Chunk learning” is a phrase commonly used in education circles.  It simply means that it is better to take a chunk at a time rather than throw the whole thing at a child all at once.  “Chunk learning” allows a student to feel more success and avoids much confusion in processing information in the brain.  When too much is presented at one time, the child becomes confused and bewildered with information and is often not able to sort through and classify it to “file it away” in the mind for future use.  

         It takes understanding on the part of the parent or teacher to know how much to expect children to grasp at one time and still feel successful.  New teachers have been told, “Don’t try to teach them all you know on the first day!”  We need to give information in doses that can be processed in a manner for the child to feel successful.  It is difficult to do this when we think of how very much a child needs to know to survive in our culture.  When teachers are expected to cover a certain amount of material in a certain amount of time, it becomes tempting to speed up to get through the lessons.  It is counterproductive to do so.  It is as if children start “putting on the brakes” when pressure, rather than success, is felt. No matter what society demands of a person, forcing a child to learn when that child is not ready is like trying to force a flower to bloom.

         Some parents and teachers can readily sense when a child is feeling successful and others seem to go blindly along never knowing when a child is feeling good or bad about something.  Love is the quality that gives understanding.  We need to love the ones with whom we are working.  When we really care, we will want children to succeed and make efforts to teach accordingly.   

Children Need Help with Social Studies

by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down, Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book; Love is….) Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and www.patlambchristianauthor.com

Train up a child…

Children Need Help with Social Studies

     Social Studies in school includes so very much that it is virtually impossible for a student to obtain all that is needed to become a good citizen through studies taught there alone.  Parents must step up and help children form attitudes, gain knowledge, and put into practice those things that make up a person who fits well into our society. At best, teachers can only skim the surface of important knowledge that children need.

         Social studies include the study of history, government, citizenship, geography, economics, and political science.  Schools generally have separate courses to cover each topic, but actually all of the topics necessarily overlap.  

         Parents can help teach good citizenship by first setting an example of being a good citizen.  They need to obey laws and point out to children what the laws are.  Many young people do not know until too late that certain things are against the law.  In addition, they often wonder why the laws are, in their sight, so unnecessary.  Reasons for laws should be pointed out to children at a very young age.

         I am amazed at how many of my GED students did not know the branches of government or the responsibilities of each branch. The system of checks and balances is so very important, yet many young people think that our president makes all of the decisions.  A 30 minute session with a child can teach these important facts that help enable a child to understand the workings of our government.  

         When families go on vacation, children can trace the trip on maps.  When they write letters to relatives or friends, they can locate where the letter is going on a map.  When news items are discussed about foreign lands, a globe or world map should be available in the home for the children to locate those countries.  These things all help a child with geography.

         A thrifty family automatically teaches economics.  When a child is taught to wait to purchase an item when it is not a fad, that child is learning the principle of supply and demand.  When an older child is given a clothing allowance and made responsible for budgeting and purchasing his/her own clothing, that child is learning economics. 

         Many children have a negative attitude toward politics and it is suspect that they have picked up this attitude at home.  Adults need to be very careful about their comments concerning elected officials when children are present.  It is really impossible to teach a child to respect authority, government, and love for our country when all they hear is negative comments about it.  Parents need to tell stories from history of sacrifice of many who have worked and fought for our country, so their sons and daughters will develop an appreciation for where we live. There are many in our society now who would do away with our constitution.  Children need to be taught at home about how our constitution came about and how successfully it has worked in the past.

         Children should watch some news and documentaries on TV, but parents need to be very selective in what they have their children watch.  Older children need to watch or listen to news at least one time each day and discuss with adults what they hear.  Most would agree that there is much on the news that younger children should not be allowed to view.  That said, it is, in a way, fortunate that the news is repeated so many times each day.  This allows parents to watch it first and then select the portions they think would be good for the children to see.

         Leaving the teaching of social studies entirely to the schools is a bad idea.  Just as journalists pick and choose what they report according to their opinions, so teachers cannot help but emphasize what they believe and deemphasize what they do not believe.  Parents need to take charge of the learning of their young children and teach children to think for themselves.