by Pat Lamb (Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book. Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
Train up a child…
Helping Children with Fear
Many people are experiencing fear at this time concerning the virus being talked about so much. Children sense those fears and are trying to deal with them. They need the help of adults to do so. How can we help them?
It is helpful if children understand that there have been times in the past that have presented challenges with sicknesses. They also need to understand that some things are permanent and some things are not. They need the security of knowing that they have the love of parents and others that will never be taken away.
Others in my age category may remember the small pox and tuberculosis epidemics that came through the Ozarks many years ago. Yes, many people died, but many survived. Of course, travel was not so prevalent and the media not as effective in their influence as now. Just as there have been times in the past, there will probably be more times in the future when we are challenged.
Part of a child’s education should include the fact that life has no guarantees. It is tempting to avoid such subjects because no one wants to upset a child with scary thoughts. However, truth is truth and can’t be avoided. When we hold back truth, the children will not be prepared later to deal with it. It never helps to tell a child, “Everything will be alright.” It is actually insulting a child’s intelligence to do so. Children see fear in the faces of parents and others; they hear fear in the voices of reporters and others. They know better.
Most of all, children need the assurance from parents, grandparents, and others that no matter what happens, they will be loved and cared for to the extent that caretakers are able. Love is something that can never be taken away. Life is full of uncertainties. Children need to know that the love of parents is certain.
Give children lots of hugs. Don’t lie to them. They can tell when you are. Be honest in the gentlest way possible, but always be truthful. Teach them health habits to be used at all times, not just now. Point out those things that never change such as God’s love. Set a good example of calmness and thoughtfulness. Point out the difference between truth and hype. Teach children to be thrifty with supplies, food, etc. Teach the value of prayer, for God is in control of all.