Pat’s short bio

Short Biography

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Pat first began teaching Sunday School while in 7th grade at Verona, Missouri, where she was born and raised. After high school graduation there, she attended Missouri University and graduated with honors with a degree in Vocational Home Economics and a minor in science. She later completed training and received certification for elementary teaching in New Mexico. She has taught Home Economics (including child care), kindergarten, second grade, and substitute taught at several schools at all grade levels. She was awarded the Missouri Distinguished Adult Basic Education Service Award for distinguished leadership and dedication in all aspects of Adult Basic Education in the community, region, and state. This award was given to one GED teacher in the state. She was included in “Who’s Who of American Educators” in 2007-15. She was also listed in Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who Among American Business Women.
Pat has recently written four books titled, “Let the Children Come” that was officially released nationwide Sept. 29, 2009, and a second book titled, “Children, Come to Me” that was released in April, 2011. Her third book, “When the Stars Fall Down”, was officially released in October, 2013. It is about the experiences she and her husband had while working with American Indians during the late 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. A fourth book, “Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way” was released January 7, 2016.
In addition to classroom teaching, Pat has taught in churches and Sunday Schools through the years. She was Outreach Director and served as Acting Children’s Director at First Baptist Church in Albuquerque, NM, while Dr. Morris Chapman was pastor there. She also directed an Office of Navajo Economic Opportunity preschool on the Navajo reservation. She recently retired from teaching GED in Reeds Spring and taught GED classes for 15 years at Blue Eye, MO, and Shell Knob, MO. Altogether she taught GED classes more than twenty years.
Pat’s columns, “Train up a child”, and “Raising Children”, are currently published in the Crane Chronicle and the Southern Baptist Missouri newspaper, The Pathway.
Pat and her husband, Keith, who recently served on the Reeds Spring School Board, have three grown children and four grandchildren. They lost a son in 2011 who had served in the military. They celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary before Keith passed away in October, 2015.
“Our children and grandchildren have taught us a great deal and are still teaching me,” Pat says. “I look forward to sharing some of this information with others. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but perhaps my comments can be of some help. It is not easy to raise children in today’s world where children are constantly being bombarded with temptations and varying ideas of what is right and wrong.”

Pat Lamb/ Christian author, speaker
Phone (417) 338-0959

We practice what we believe; all the rest is just talk.

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